First Steps

Feeling overwhelmed by all the information and preparation that goes into pursuing parenthood through sperm donation? We’re here with answers to your questions, helpful resources and any additional support you may need as you take your first steps on this amazing journey.

Family Resources

Frequently Asked Questions


  • Since 1975, we have provided guidance and expertise for those ready to fulfill their dreams of starting or growing a family. We let you choose from the industry’s most selective, most tested, and most successful donors.


    Our donors are chosen with you and your future family in mind. All donors entering the program after 2017 must pass a rigorous screening process, which includes personality and behavioral evaluations.


    We evaluate all donors for hereditary conditions using an extensive medical history questionnaire and carrier testing for 569 genetic conditions as of February 2023.*

    * Our donors are continually tested while in the program.

    * For donors entering the program in 2019 or later, 283 genetic conditions were tested for; for donors entering the program April 2021 or later, 302 genetic conditions were tested for.


    Xytex prepares all vials with 0.5 milliliters of specimen, prepared to contain a specific number of motile sperm cells. MOT refers to the total number of motile sperm cells in 1 milliliter of sample. So the minimum number of motile sperm in each vial is one half of the MOT number.

    Here are two examples:

    An unwashed vial (25MOT) that is loaded with 0.5 milliliters of sample will carry a minimum of 12.5 million motile sperm.

    A washed vial (20MOT) that is loaded with 0.5 milliliters of sample will carry a minimum of 10.0 million motile sperm.

  • To view a current list of licenses, registrations and certifications, please visit our Licenses page. 

    We also adhere to the regulations regarding importation of products by the governments of Switzerland, Australia, and the United Kingdom (HFEA), as well as Health Canada, a federal governing board of Canada.

  • Your fertility journey is a very personal matter, and we respect your privacy. The information you share with us is held in strictest confidence, unavailable to anyone, other than your health care provider, without your prior permission. Your information will not be given or sold to any other company or institution. Likewise, we respect donor privacy and only release information about our donors with the donor's prior written consent.  Encryption of a client's financial information is provided through Paya and Merchant Lynx.


  • A retired donor means that they are no longer active in the program.

  • At Xytex, we recognize how important it is for families to connect - and we’re always looking for ways to make those connections stronger. Your feedback on Famlink showed us new opportunities to better serve you, and we appreciate your support throughout this process.

    We’re excited to share that we’re developing a new system: a secure database that puts you in control of how you connect with others. By allowing you to share your own contact information and choose the platforms you prefer, we’re taking moderation out of the equation - so your connections are more private and more organic.

    Our goal is to have this resource ready by Summer 2025. As an employee-owned company, we believe in offering personalized experiences and genuine support to every individual on a family-building journey. Because of that, this initiative is a top priority, and we’re dedicating the time and care necessary to ensure it’s both secure and user-friendly. 

    Thank you for being part of the Xytex family. We look forward to providing this new platform that helps you stay connected in the ways that matter most.


  • We suggest selecting a healthcare provider to perform your insemination. Our Client Relations team can assist you if you do not have a healthcare provider specializing in artificial insemination. We have an extensive list of specialists and can help find one in your area.

    We recommend you create an account to search donor profiles and gain access to in-depth information during the donor selection process.

    Once you have selected your inseminating healthcare provider and narrowed your donor choices, contact us at 1-706-733-0130, and our team will walk you through the ordering process.

  • We understand the desire to remain unknown, which is why we offer Anonymous Donors that have chosen not to disclose their identity.

    *As of January 2019, Xytex no longer accepts Anonymous Donors.

  • We understand the desire for a child to be able to connect with a sperm donor. That’s why Xytex provides Identity Disclosure Donors. A donor who participates in the Identity Disclosure Donor Program agrees to the release of his identity once the child turns 18. 

    To be eligible to receive this information, a child's mother, the recipient of the sperm, must sign an agreement and report the child's birth to Xytex. These requirements allow us to verify the child's eligibility to receive such information in the future. While a donor's participation in this program indicates a certain openness to connect, it is not a guarantee of contact.

  • We update our donor listings as changes occur. The online donor database is intended to show which donors are available. While our goal is to display donors with current available inventory, a donor’s inventory can fluctuate. If you are interested in a donor that is currently unavailable, please contact our Client Relations team to request placement on the donor’s pending list.

  • We require both child and adult photos for our donors. However, you may come across a few donors who joined the program before this requirement was implemented.

  • Genetic factors can be an important part of the donor selection process. For more information about genetics and genetic testing, please view our Genetics FAQ.

  • Each donor is limited by the length of time he remains active in the program. We monitor the reported location of births and limit the geographic distribution of a donor, consistent with the American Society of Reproductive Medicine (ASRM)’s guidelines. We follow the mandated regulations for countries that impose a specific birth limit.


    To help us monitor the number of births associated with our donors, clients must report their births through their Xytex website account portal.


  • Reported pregnancies are indicated on a donor's profile.  However, we do not disclose quantitative pregnancy rates because many factors beyond our control influence them. This can include, but is not limited to, the number of times the donor has been selected, how the semen is thawed, the timing and method of insemination, and the recipient's fertility.

    If a donor has no reported pregnancies, he is not necessarily infertile. It may indicate that a donor has not been in the program very long. As part of our commitment to providing families with the highest quality sperm, we conduct laboratory testing and physical exams on all donors to assess their overall health. They're continually tested while in the program, ensuring you receive high-quality sperm.


Quality Standards

  • The health and medical history of our donors are extremely important. While each donor is different, they all go through the same thorough screening process.

    • Each candidate completes a medical history questionnaire (MHQ).
      He will answer detailed questions about his health status and provide family medical history.   
    • Each candidate provides a semen sample for analysis.
      We assess sperm count, volume, motility and additional factors to determine quality of the donation.
    • Each candidate is appropriately vetted.
      A Donor Coordinator interviews the candidate about his personal and family medical history. During this step, the donor also undergoes a background check and education verification process.*
    • Each candidate undergoes psychological assessment.
      This process includes a complete behavioral analysis, psychosocial, and risk assessment completed by a clinical social worker and a licensed clinical psychologist.*
    • Each candidate undergoes laboratory testing and a physical exam.
      Following the semen sample evaluation, blood and urine samples are taken during pre-screening and are periodically screened throughout continued sperm donation.

    With active participation in the program, donors undergo a physical exam and blood draw every six months. Contingent on inventory demand, some donors may be screened more frequently. A donor who remains in good health can continue to participate in our program until he reaches his 41st birthday, or until he reaches our limit of reported family units.

    *Donors entering the program in 2017 or later have undergone background checks and psych-social evaluations. 


  • While Xytex may, from time to time, get and share updated clinically significant medical and/or genetic information with Client and Client's Healthcare Provider, it is up to Client, before using any Specimens obtained from Xytex, to contact: (I) Client's Healthcare Provider; and (II) Xytex, for any such updated information of which Xytex may have become aware.  Client acknowledges and agrees that under some circumstances, Xytex may have shared such updated information only with Client's Healthcare Provider, in which event, whether or not Client would be informed of such updated information would be entirely dependent upon Client's contacting Client's Healthcare Provider and receiving such updated information from Client's Healthcare Provider.

    Although Xytex is not obligated hereunder (or otherwise) to disclose or share with Client or Client's Healthcare Provider any updated clinically significant medical and/or genetic information, in the event Xytex does share any such updated information, an experienced genetics counselor should be consulted to advise Client as to its potential significance.  Xytex is not a medical provider and cannot provide medical advice.

  • We conduct laboratory testing and physical exams on all donors to assess their overall health. Additionally, we conduct genetic testing on all donors to help you confidently choose your family. 

  • Screening looks for evidence of, the most common symptoms of a particular infection. Testing involves applying laboratory methods to biological specimens, such as blood, urine, or semen, to determine the presence of a specific infectious agent, such as a bacteria or a virus.



    Fresh semen is unsuitable for sperm banking since it begins to lose fertility within an hour or two of ejaculation. Because a sperm bank is expected to have semen available from a diverse set of donors with different physical characteristics and different talents, it is necessary to store sperm from the time of collection until it is needed. We accomplish this through a unique freezing process called cryopreservation, which gives semen an extended survival period. It is the only way sperm can be shipped from our bank to a client, no matter where they live. Once thawed, cryopreserved sperm can be as fertile as fresh sperm.

    Sperm is also cryopreserved to allow a quarantine period and retesting of various diseases, such as HIV which causes the potentially-lethal AIDS infection. Cryopreserved sperm must be stored for a minimum of six (6) months before repeat testing of the donor. Repeat testing includes HIV 1/2 + O antibodies, HTLV I & II antibodies, hepatitis B surface antigen, hepatitis B core antibody, hepatitis C, HIV/HCV/HBV NAT, TP-PA, and cytomegalovirus (CMV) antibodies. Donors are also tested for chlamydia and gonorrhea.

    Scientists believe the potential for long-term storage is indefinite, assuming adequate maintenance of low temperatures.

    Before 10/01/2017, Xytex semen was cryopreserved in sterile-filtered Test Yolk Buffer (Irvine Scientific, Santa Ana, CA), composed of buffers (TES and Tris), sodium citrate, fructose, gentamicin sulfate, glycerol, and heat-activated egg yolk from specific pathogen-free laying flocks. Detailed product information can be found at


    Between 10/01/2017 and 05/01/2018; Units were cryopreserved with Sperm Maintenance Medium (Irvine Scientific, Santa Ana, CA). The medium does NOT contain egg yolk or antibiotics. It does contain HEPES and human serum albumin.

    As of 05/01/2018, donor sperm is cryopreserved in ArcticTM Sperm Cryopreservation Medium (Irvine Scientific, Santa Ana, CA). The medium does NOT contain egg yolk or antibiotics. It does contain HEPES, MOPS, and human serum albumin. Detailed product information can be found at






  • Comparing human births resulting from thawed semen to non-assisted pregnancies shows no difference in the rate of birth defects or miscarriage.

  • Cytomegalovirus (CMV) is a common virus that infects approximately 70% of persons in the United States by the age of 45 and more than 90% by the age of 80.  In most cases, initial infection results in no symptoms, though some people experience a mild illness similar to the flu or mononucleosis.  After the initial infection the virus remains dormant (latent) in the body.  Reactivation of infection typically occurs in persons with compromised immune systems.

    If a woman who has never been exposed to CMV becomes infected with the virus during pregnancy there is a 40% risk of fetal infection.  In contrast, the risk of fetal infection is only 1% in women with latent CMV infection.  Fetal infection with CMV can result in miscarriage and serious developmental defects.

    Because of these concerns, Xytex tests all donors for CMV infection and includes each donor’s status in his profile.  CMV status is based on testing blood for antibodies (IgG and IgM) to the virus.  CMV-negative donors have no antibodies.  CMV-positive donors have antibodies to the virus but the pattern of antibodies determines whether infection is latent (inactive) or active.  Xytex excludes donors whose test results suggest active or recent CMV infection (IgM-positive).  Sperm from donors with latent infection (IgG-positive, IgM-negative) is considered to be safe.

    While it might seem reasonable to accept only CMV-negative donors, such a restriction would reduce the donor pool by more than half, leaving women with fewer choices.  Xytex encourages clients to discuss CMV with their physicians, who may recommend CMV testing.


  • ART vials are often used in IVF (in vitro fertilization) – sperm and egg are combined in a petri dish for fertilization.

    An unwashed vial is frozen in its most natural state, allowing sperm to remain in its natural seminal fluid. Unwashed vials are used for ICI (intracervical insemination) – sperm enters through the cervix, much like in sexual intercourse.

    A washed vial separates the sperm from its natural seminal fluid and is frozen in preserving fluid. Washed vials are used for IUI (intrauterine insemination). While we offer washed vials prepared for IUI treatment, we also offer unwashed vials, which are suitable for IUI, but require washing by the inseminating clinic.

    *Please consult your Clinic for the appropriate vial type for your procedure.

    Please also see this helpful video!

  • We are thrilled to partner with CapexMD, the leader in providing patient financing for fertility treatments. With an easy process and competitive rates, finances don’t have to be an obstacle to achieving your dream of a family.

    Some of the many advances of financing through CapexMD:

    • Specialists in Fertility Financing
    • Competitive Rates
    • Easy & Secure Online Application
    • Quick Approval (within 24 hours)
    • No Annual Fees
    • Flexible Terms

    If you’re nearing treatment and purchasing multiple vials or planning for the future, your purchase can be financed with a CapexMD loan*.

    Apply Now

    Learn More

    *minimum loan amount is $3000

  • First, create an account and browse through our list of sperm donors. With our interactive features, you can view child and adult photos and gain insight from donors’ personal essays. When narrowing your search, we urge you to choose several of your top picks and rank them in order of preference.

    When you’re ready, give us a call, and we will check availability of your top picks, making every effort to secure your first-choice. However, due to normal fluctuations in our inventory, this is not always possible. If you'd like to use the same donor for future children, we recommend buying additional vials during your initial purchase.

    We also recommend consulting your healthcare provider when choosing a donor. They will be able to help you navigate things like expected day of ovulation and the number and type of vials needed for your procedure. We strongly recommend planning to have your vials delivered a day or two prior to ovulation.

  • Xytex is unable to facilitate the transfer of ownership of your vials to a third party. Xytex has a strict policy prohibiting this type of transfer, as Xytex cannot guarantee the quality or integrity of the vials once shipped from our facility or another designated storage facility. In furtherance of this policy, clients complete a service agreement that states they are purchasing the vials for their own use or use by a partner and are not permitted to transfer them to any other entities.  By following these policies, Xytex can maintain vial safety, compliance, international family limits and properly observe applicable laws.

  • We are willing to send your donor specimen to your preferred address, but some states prohibit insemination by anyone other than a licensed physician. Some require a husband provides written consent before insemination for his name to be placed on the birth certificate. Others require proof of insemination with anonymous donor semen for the recipient’s partner to be placed on the birth certificate as a parent.

     Please consult your healthcare provider on all matters related to your procedure, including the decision to inseminate at home. We now allow tank delivieries to your home, without the signature of a licensed clinician. Please call to place your order. 
    *Home shipments will require a refundable tank deposit of $875.
    *Not available in the state of NY. 
  • An unwashed vial is frozen in its most natural state, allowing sperm to remain in its natural seminal fluid. A washed vial separates the sperm from its natural seminal fluid and is frozen in a preserving fluid. Removing seminal fluid helps minimize cramping that can result from prostaglandins, the hormones that cause the uterus to contract.

    Washed vials should be used in IUI procedures, as unwashed vials injected into the uterus can cause cramping. In addition to being extremely painful, it will most likely result in the loss of injected sperm. Both washed and unwashed samples can be used for ICI or intracervical inseminations. ART samples are processed in exactly the same way, with the only difference being the minimum number of motile cells.

  • Both ICI and IUI vials are suitable for at-home vaginal insemination, and no additional preparation is needed. There are different volumes and cell numbers associated with each vial type, but these are in reference to the pre-purchase processing that occurs in our laboratory. Please see our Quality Commitment  ( for additional helpful information. *IVF vials are not intended nor recommended for at-home vaginal inseminations. 

  • While it may not take 4 vials, national averages range from 3-4 insemination cycles per successful pregnancy. The only way to guarantee your donor will be available is to plan ahead. With the purchase of 4-7 vials, you will receive 1 year of free storage and 1-year buyback at 50% of the original purchase cost (when stored at Xytex). When a donor sells out, it saddens us to have to break the news to a client who hopes for a brother or sister for their child. If you intend to use the same Donor throughout your complete insemination process or desire more than one child from the same Donor, it's critical that you buy more now and store them at Xytex for future use. Enjoy 3 YEARS of FREE storage with the purchase of 8 or more vials. Once pregnant, you can extend your storage term for future siblings (just in case) or take advantage of the 50% Vial Buyback Program.

  • You or your health care provider can place an order by calling our Client Relations team at 706-733-0130. We also offer online ordering for some donors*. If online ordering is an option, it will appear at the bottom of a donor's profile. Shipments will only be sent once your health care provider signs our Supply Agreement form. *online ordering applies to US sales only 

  • Please see the Xytex Forms page, specifically:

    Donor Sperm Services Agreement
    Shipping Agreement

    See Also:
    How To Sign My Docusign

  • Xytex understands that shipment to an alternate location may be desirable in certain circumstances. You may download the “Homeship” form (“Authorization for Shipment to an Alternative Location”) from the Xytex Forms page. Xytex recommends that clients and physicians become familiar with their state of residence laws before artificial insemination.

  • We accept wire transfers and all major credit cards. 

  • Your order is shipped FedEx Next Day or 2nd Day, depending on what option you select. Please note: we only ship orders Monday through Friday from 9 am to 5 pm EST, and our Client Servies Team is only available during these business hours.

    *Holiday Shipping: Please Plan Ahead! Due to heavy shipping volume, COVID related business closures, and winter weather disruptions, your order may be delayed. Visit the FedEx website to see how your shipment may be affected:

  • We recommend that you request your shipment to arrive at least three days prior to insemination. FedEx Priority Overnight shipping will arrive the next business day by 12 pm. FedEx Two-Day shipping will arrive the second business day by 12 pm.*

    *Overnight shipping may be affected by weather or Federal Express equipment failure. To help ensure your vials arrive in time, please plan for your shipment to be delivered 3 days prior to your insemination

    *Holiday Shipping: Please Plan Ahead! Due to heavy shipping volume, COVID related business closures, and winter weather disruptions, your order may be delayed. Visit the FedEx website to see how your shipment may be affected:

  • Each vial arrives frozen in a screw-cap unit that is clipped to a metal support rod (a cane) to aid removal from the refrigerated tank (dry shipper). The tank is cooled with liquid nitrogen trapped in spongy material to prevent spillage, hence the name dry shipper. Each tank is shipped in a cardboard box which includes a packing slip with the Summary of Records (required by the FDA), thawing instructions, a letter from our Medical Director, a return shipping label and applicable invoices. 

    Please Plan Ahead! Due to heavy shipping volume and COVID related business closures, your order may be delayed. Visit the FedEx website to see how your shipment may be affected:

  • Once you have selected the perfect donor, simply place your order. The vials will be shipped to your healthcare provider’s office in a sealed, refrigerated tank that will preserve your sample(s) for up to seven days. Two-day delivery options are available.

    *Holiday Shipping: Please Plan Ahead! Due to heavy shipping volume, COVID related business closures, and winter weather disruptions, your order may be delayed. Visit the FedEx website to see how your shipment may be affected:

  • If your vials are being stored at Xytex or CANAM:

    With a purchase of 6 or more vials, the 1st swap is complimentary. Each additional swap is $895. 

    With a purchase of 5 vials or less, there is a first swap fee of $150. Each additional swap is $895.

  • Once vials have left Xytex or an approved storage facility, they are ineligible for returns or exchanges. 

    The easiest way to ensure access to the same donor for future inseminations is to buy additional vials during your initial purchase. You can request to store them at our facility until needed for treatment.

  • We have top-notch donors, and they sell out quickly! When a donor sells out, it saddens us to have to break the news to a client who hopes for a brother or sister for their child. If you intend to use the same Donor throughout your complete insemination process or desire more than one child from the same Donor, it's critical that you buy more now and store at Xytex for future use.

    Receive 1 Year of FREE storage for 4 or more vials, simply for planning ahead.

    Enjoy 3 YEARS of FREE storage with the purchase of 8 or more vials.

    Once pregnant, you can extend your storage term for future siblings (just in case) or take advantage of the 50% Vial Buyback Program.

  • Sign in to “My Account” and visit the Birth Report tab.

  • Since 1975, we have provided the expertise your patients need to fulfill their dreams of starting or growing a family.  We let your patients choose from the industry’s most selective, most tested, and most successful donors. 


    Our donors are chosen with your patient and her future family in mind. Since January 2017,  all donors have endured a rigorous screening process, which includes personality and behavioral evaluations. 


    We evaluate all donors for hereditary conditions using an extensive medical history questionnaire and carrier testing for genetic conditions. 


    Our donors have a minimum 12.5 million motile sperm per 0.5 mL in unwashed vials and 10.0 mL motile sperm per 0.5 mL in washed vials.

  • To view a current list of licenses, registrations and certifications, please visit our Licenses page.

    We also adhere to the regulations regarding importation of products by the governments of Switzerland, Australia, and the United Kingdom (HFEA), as well as Health Canada, a federal governing board of Canada.

  • We comply with expectations published by the FDA in regards to Human Cells, Tissues, and Cellular and Tissue-Based Products (21 CFR Part 1271).

  • While we are willing to send donor specimens to any address specified on a client’s order form, regardless of the shipment's destination, we require clients to be under the care of a healthcare provider.

    You must sign an Authorization to Ship to an Alternate Location form (located on the Xytex Forms page) before having any specimens shipped directly to the patient.

  • You want someone to care for your patients with compassion, support, and expert guidance. We offer an empowering experience, providing them with the best chance of conceiving a healthy baby. With Xytex, you get a partnership based on shared goals. It’s more than a transaction.

    To start a partnership and establish a Physician Account, we ask that you complete a Supply Agreement form (located on the Xytex Forms page) which will allow you to designate the party responsible for paying for services – the clinic or the patient. Orders may be placed by the health care provider or clinic employees, but all orders will be confimed with the clinic prior to shipment.

  • We conduct laboratory testing and physical exams on all of our donors to assess their overall health. Additionally, we conduct genetic testing on all of our donors to help your patients confidently choose their family. An extensive list of donor testing can be viewed here. 

    During active participation in the program—those who regularly provide samples of blood, semen and urine—undergo a physical exam and a blood draw every six months.

    Our screening and testing complies with government licensing agencies and is consistent with guidelines established by the FDA. Additionally, the United States Food and Drug Administration has regulations (21 CFR Part 1271) for screening and testing for specific sexually transmitted infections (STI). In addition to STIs, the state of New York and several organizations expect screening and testing for a few genetic conditions.

  • We recommend you discuss a donor’s CMV (cytomegalovirus) status with your patients. A patient should not be inseminated with specimen from a donor with an active CMV infection or from a donor shedding CMV. CMV may be transmitted by various excretions including semen and affects more than 60% of Americans. Once infected with CMV, an individual likely carries the virus for life. Approximately 1% of American neonates are infected with CMV.  This is most often a result of primary maternal infection or maternal reactivation. Many of these congenital infections are asymptomatic at birth, but 5 to 25% of these infants develop significant psychomotor, hearing, ocular or dental abnormalities. Congenital infections such as these can also result in spontaneous abortion.

    Tests for CMV antibodies can distinguish between current (recent) infection and past infection. Individuals with current or recent infection have IgM antibodies in their blood; once the infection has resolved, these antibodies disappear. Individuals with past infection will have IgG antibodies; these antibodies remain in the blood indefinitely.

    We test our donors for IgG and IgM antibodies at least every six (6) months. Approximately 60% of our donors are IgG positive. None of our donors are IgM positive; we do not accept sperm from IgM positive donors.

    We encourage you to discuss CMV with your patients. You are the most qualified to explain how the issue pertains to her health profile. If you recommend use of a CMV IgG negative donor, please have your patient call us at 1-706-733-0130 to confirm the CMV status of particular donor before placing her order.

  • Each vial arrives frozen in a screw-cap unit clipped to a metal support rod (a cane) to aid removal from the refrigerated tank (dry shipper). The tank is cooled with liquid nitrogen trapped in spongy material to prevent spillage, hence the name dry shipper. Each tank is shipped in a cardboard box. The shipment includes a packing slip with the Summary of Records (required by the FDA), thawing instructions, a letter from our Medical Director, a return shipping label, and applicable invoices.

  • We arrange for pickup of the tank on the eighth day after shipping from our facility. The tank should be sealed in the original shipping box and the return label applied to the outside surface of the box.

    A daily rental fee of $40 applies to any tank kept beyond the pickup date. Given advance notice, we will work with your office to alleviate extenuating circumstances. We hold the health care provider and/or clinic financially responsible, not the patient, for any unreturned or damaged tank.

  • While Xytex may from time to time share updated clinically significant medical and/or genetic information with Client and Client's Healthcare Provider, it is up to Client, prior to using any Specimens obtained from Xytex, to contact: (I) Client's Healthcare Provider; and (II) Xytex, for any such updated information of which Xytex may become aware.

    It is up to the Client to check the Donor's profile on the website for updated medical information.   Client acknowledges and agrees that under some circumstances, Xytex may have shared such updated information only wtih Client's Healthcare Provider, in which event, whether or not Client would be informed of such updated information would be entirely dependent upon Client's contacting Client's Healthcase Provider and receiving such updated information.

    Although Xytex is not obligated hereunder (or otherwise) to disclose or share with Client or Client's Healthcase Provider any updated clinically significant medical and/or genetic information, in the event Xytex does share any such updated information, an experienced genetics counselor should be consulted to advise Client as to its potential significance.  Xytex is not a medical provider, and cannot provide medical advice.

  • Many genetic conditions have an autosomal recessive pattern of inheritance. To be autosomal recessive, both copies of the gene must be mutated (altered) in order to cause the condition. If only one copy is mutated, a person is considered to be a carrier of the condition but does not have the actual condition. 

    Help, My Sperm Donor Is A Carrier Of A Genetic Disease
    Video by Jamie K. Dokson, ScM, LCGC(Licensed Certified Genetic Counselor)

  • We perform carrier testing on our donors to help reduce the risk of offspring inheriting common autosomal recessive conditions.  Each donor’s profile includes a list of his genetic conditions, along with the results for which he was tested.*

    *Genetic testing has changed over time, and some donors may have been tested for fewer conditions and with different methodologies.  Donors entering our program after January 2019 have undergone carrier testing for more than 280 conditions. As of February 1, 2023, incoming Xytex donors will undergo screening with Invitae’s Comprehensive Carrier Screen panel. This panel includes up to 569 genes, including the diseases recommended by the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) and the American College of Medical Genetics (ACMG).

  • Negative genetic testing only reduces the possibility that a donor is a carrier of a particular condition.

  • While we do accept donors who are found to be carriers of genetic conditions, to purchase sperm of a donor known to carry a genetic condition, a client must sign a waiver stating her understanding of the associated risks.  

    Additionally, if a female is a known carrier of a specific genetic condition, we will provide a copy of the donor’s test reports so that you can review this information with your health care provider and genetic counselor and make the most educated decision with regards to the health of your potential offspring.

  • It is estimated that 1 in 100 children are born with a genetic condition. The incidence of genetic conditions varies among ethnic groups. For example, Sickle Cell disease is more common among persons of African ancestry than Caucasians of European descent.

  • We understand that you may be a carrier of a genetic condition for which a particular donor has not been tested. We do not perform additional genetic testing of donors. To address this issue and offer more choices, Xytex updated carrier testing of its donors in January 2019 to include more than 280 conditions.

  • Sequencing of a gene involves reading a gene from beginning to end and comparing the code to a database of known normal and abnormal (pathologic) mutations. This method of genetic testing is more extensive. A negative result from sequencing reduces the likelihood of carrier status more than targeted mutation analysis which only detects a few of the most common mutations of a particular gene. Genetic testing has changed over time and some donors may have been tested for fewer conditions and with different methodologies.  Men who joined our donor program after January 2019 have undergone carrier testing for more than 280 conditions using next-generation sequencing technology.  Prior to that time most donors were tested using targeted mutation analysis.

  • During the COVID-19 response, Xytex has taken extended measures to ensure the safety of our operations.


    ·        A mask is required by anyone entering the premises.

    ·        Anyone entering the building has their temperature taken and recorded. This includes staff, donors, and visitors.

    ·        Donors are screened for COVID-19 exposure at each donation via questionnaire.

    ·        A donation schedule is in place, minimizing cross exposure between donors and staff. No walk-ins allowed.

    ·       Donor rooms are sanitized between donor visits. This is in addition to the regular cleanings of donor facilities.

  • The staff at Xytex is checking temperatures upon arrival and sanitizing offices daily. We are asking donors and other visitors to wear a mask, use hand sanitizer, and social distance while on premises. If you have COVID-19 symptoms, please stay home and seek medical care immediately.

  • Xytex clients will need to complete the new AL form, along with shipping and genetic waivers* via Docusign to initiate a home shipment. Xytex no longer requires the signature of a licensed medical professional for at-home inseminations. U.S. clients only. Not available in New York state. 

    *Genetic waiver necessary only if the donor is a carrier of a genetic condition. 

  • Please call 706-733-0130. One of our wonderful Client Relations Specialists will assist with your order! 

  • IUI (washed) and ICI (unwashed) vials are recommended for at home vaginal insemination. Please consult your clinician to determine the vial type best suited for your treatment plan. There are different volumes and cell numbers associated with each vial type, but these are in reference to the pre-purchase processing that occurs in our lab. *IVF (ART) vials are not intended nor recommended for at-home vaginal insemination. Choosing a donor can be overwhelming. Let one of our compassionate client service representatives help guide you through the process. Vials used for home insemination are not eligible for replacement or reimbursement. 

  • Clients will pay for the cost of the vial(s) plus shipping. For home insemination, there is a refundable tank deposit fee of $875. This will be returned to you 8-10 business days after the tank arrives back at Xytex. If you are not using your vials right away, you may incur a storage fee. 


  • To secure vials for an upcoming treatment while also planning for the future, it is best to buy ahead of time and store with Xytex. With the purchase of 4+ vials, you will receive 1 year FREE storage and qualify for our 50% buyback program. With the purcahse of 8+ vials, you will receive 3 years FREE storage and qualify for our 50% buyback program. 

  • The vials remain frozen in the shipping tank for up to 7 days. 

  • No. Vials should remain in the frozen liquid nitrogen tank until they are ready to be used. 

  • Along with your vials and needle-free syringe, you will need safety gloves and goggles for handling the liquid nitrogen tank and biohazardous material. 

  • Along with vial thaw instructions, Xytex provides one needle-free insemination syringe for each vial shipped. For all matters related to your insemination and treatment plan, please consult your clinician. 

  • Insemination should take place during your ovulation cycle. To determine the best timing for your cycle, please consult your clinician. 

  • On average, home insemination procedures have a 10-15% success rate per cycle*, which is similar to fertilization through intercourse. It may take several insemination attempts to achieve pregnancy. Xytex recommends consulting a clinician to determine if home insemination is right for you. 

    *for individuals with no fertility concerns